Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday Dog Blogging

As you can see, I didn't make it back to post an album of the day, so tonight, it's doubles :) . In the wonderfully dark picture of yours truly on the side, you can see me knittin' away on some Lopi... well here is the amazing Eddie on the end result, his doggie bed. I have started a new shawl for Mom. The wool? Oh... it's uh, grey? Yeah I asked what type it was and Laurie didn't know. She said it was 'mill ends". It came in a large, unlabeled bag. Yet she didn't like that I called it 'Thrift Wool'. Go figger.
And as a treat, here's a Youtube of a band from the Netherlands appearing on a tv show called Villa Live. They're called One Bullet Left and the average age of the band members is 14(!).


Miss Scarlett said...

OMG! Eddie is so cute! How old is he?
I haven't watched the video yet - all my attention was on Eddie.

Miss Scarlett said...

Whoa - scary talent in such a young group.
I used to listen to this kind of music when I was an angry 13-15 yr old - I still have times when this music calls to me.

Kent said...

Yeah, Ed is definitely going to end up being the star of this blog. He is a Shih-Tzu/ Bijon Friese cross and he's 15 weeks old. As far as why someone my age (and many others) still listen to metal, I suppose one reason is we never lost touch with our inner teenager? lol