Thursday, June 14, 2007

Mom's Shawl, or How I learned to despise Novelty Yarn

So on the weekend I had been working away on the shawl for my Mom (because you know, it gets so cold in Kamloops...), and was using this fluffy pink and yellow novelty yarn. All weekend long people came up and said "Oh that's a nice scarf" (partly I think, because it was looking a lot like a scarf at the time, and partly because maybe they could tell I am still a little unsure on the sticks), and I politely told them that it was actually a shawl. Yeah. Well it turns out that this type of yarn can get away from you. Laurie had asked "Have you counted the stitches lately?" to which I replied "Nope, it's fine." Later, she would ask again, this time I said "Umm... I don't think I want to." I don't want to say how many stitches I actually ended up with, but rest assured my daughter now has a wonderful scarf.

Signs that metal bands may be closeted knitters: Here's some song titles that make me think they actually knit on the bus or something...
ACCEPT- Balls To The Wall
ABSU- Four Crossed Wands
AC/DC- Big Balls
ANTHRAX- Ball Of Confusion (yeah I know it's a cover...)

I will post more when I think of them. Make sure and check out Yarn Harlot for her take on Victoria. And no, she didn't call me a biker.

1 comment:

Miss Scarlett said...

That novelty yarn is actually hard to work with - it is all the little wisps, they make it hard to count stitches, see details. They are a really poor choice for beginning knitters but they are the most frequently used by new knitters - what is that about?
Sorry to hear about all the confused commenters - that's gotta take a toll!
But now your daughter has a nice scarf.

Love the songs list!